Personal injury lawyers in Barrie can help. These can be the result of an unforeseen event, meaning that the incident does not involve or result in any person other than the injured party. It may also be caused by a third party, an intention or unintention ally, who used some physical or psychological element that caused some type of damage to another person.
This is also known as traumatic brain injury.
Among the most common causes of a closed head injury are falls, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, blows against objects, abuse, and blast injuries. And, in the case of penetrating injuries, the most common causes are guns hot wounds, blows from objects, and penetration of bone fragments in to the skull from a head injury.
Regardless of the type and cause of the brain injury, if the injury was caused by a third party, you will always have the right to seek monetary compensation to cover your recovery expenses. In these cases, injury lawyers in Barrie will let you know how to proceed and help you to get the monetary compensation you deserve.
If you are among the people who are at a higher risk for traumatic brain injuries, Barrie injury lawyers can advocate for you.
Certain groups of people are at higher risk of traumatic brain injury, among them, we can list two main groups:
- Men: gender who are statistically more likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury.
- Adults over 65 years of age: are those who have a higher risk of being hospitalized and dying from a traumatic brain injury.
When faced with a head injury, seek medical attention as soon as possible and do not hesitate to consult with a Barrie injury lawyer to learn what steps to take to pursue compensation. If you fall into any of these groups, the team at Makaronets Law is eager to provide you with timely assistance.
What are the most common tests and treatments for traumatic brain injures?
After informing the treating physician of your symptoms and details of the injury, you will usually need to have a neurological exam, imaging tests, and neuropsychological tests to check how well your brain is functioning and, depending on the size, severity, and location of the brain injury, the doctor may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers.
In most cases, you will need to under go surgery to reduce the damage to your brain along with prescription medication to treat the symptoms of traumatic brain injury and reduce some of the associated risks.It should be noted that some of those suffering from traumatic brain injury may suffer from permanent disabilities, not to mention the risk of suffering from other health problems such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The treatment of these problems results in large sums of money and a diminished quality of life.
Makaronets Law wants to provide you with much-needed support in asserting your rights and easing the burden of legal proceedings when you and/or your loved ones are at their most vulnerable.